As per the studies Training and development is an opportunity given to the
employees by expecting a continuous development throughout their work scope. Also
a well trained workforce is an asset to an organization. However Employee
development with training will lead to accomplish the company vison mission and
goals. Training comprises of a systematic method for
transferring technical and management skills to the employees. The training
process is comprise of several steps. The first is need analysis, the second
step it will be the designing of the training program content, after the second
step then comes the Validation step, Fourth step is to implement the program
and finally management asses the program success or the failure. Employee
development fall into four broad categories: formal education, assessment, job
experiences, and interpersonal relationships. Many organizations combine these
approaches. In training and development there are main two methods as On the
job training and Off the job training and most of the companies practice the on
the job training methods since its provides more opportunity to the employees to
get to know about the company’s working patterns.
In learning organizations, training has been linked to both corporate
strategy and organizational performance in order to get the high performances training
must be aligned to organizational strategy. Finally the following vide will
clearly depicts the importance of training and development in a pictorial way. It
will provide more help to understand the importance.
Title: Why Training and Development Matters
Source: Expand Learning Solutions (2017)