Sunday, 3 November 2019

Training and Development matters a lot

As per the studies Training and development is an opportunity given to the employees by expecting a continuous development throughout their work scope. Also a well trained workforce is an asset to an organization. However Employee development with training will lead to accomplish the company vison mission and goals. Training comprises of a systematic method for transferring technical and management skills to the employees. The training process is comprise of several steps. The first is need analysis, the second step it will be the designing of the training program content, after the second step then comes the Validation step, Fourth step is to implement the program and finally management asses the program success or the failure. Employee development fall into four broad categories: formal education, assessment, job experiences, and interpersonal relationships. Many organizations combine these approaches. In training and development there are main two methods as On the job training and Off the job training and most of the companies practice the on the job training methods since its provides more opportunity to the employees to get to know about the company’s working patterns.

In learning organizations, training has been linked to both corporate strategy and organizational performance in order to get the high performances training must be aligned to organizational strategy. Finally the following vide will clearly depicts the importance of training and development in a pictorial way. It will provide more help to understand the importance.

Title: Why Training and Development Matters


                                                                 Source: Expand Learning Solutions (2017)

Reference (Accessed on 3rd November 2019)                             


  1. Amali, Martin et al. (2014) state that there are 13 training methods that have been identified by scholars. They are namely case study, game based training, internship, job rotation, job shadowing, lecture, mentoring and apprenticeship, programmed instruction, role-modeling, role play and simulation. However, they have found that most of these methods are not interactive, off the job and involve doing. In todays context technology also considered to be an important factor that affect these training methods (Tyler,2007). An organization should analyze and select the most suitable methods to their culture. Training methods that found to be more effective in manufacturing companies in Malaysia are classroom based, outdoor based and on the job interaction (Abdullah, undated).

  2. Dear Ama ,Evaluation of the effectiveness of training plays a vital role in effective training and development.There should be a proper check and balance on training programs and training need should be examined on Organizational, individual and task level. It has been found that the size of the firm also affects training practices. Bigger organizations are usually more organized and have tendency to take more risk in organization development and in employee investment and thus can offer more frequent training sessions for its employees whereas small firms might not have resources to offer training to its employees on regular basis (Bartel, 1994). But it depends on business sector and type of training as well.In this environment two trends are increasing rapidly and can become source of trouble for corporate management. First is the increasing age of workforce and second is rapid change in technologies (Tai, 2004). In theory, training is most important factor that increases individual performance but in reality evidence for such claim is scant. As in Ahmad and Bakar (2003) findings there was no relationship between training and organizational commitment however in their findings various aspects of training had impact on the three types of commitment i.e. affective, normative and continuance. So, training has indirect impact on commitment. Lang (1992) suggests that training programs should be designed to achieve organizational commitment. Employees can only show commitment to organization only when they have feeling that organization is taking interest in their career prospects (Ahmad,Mustabsar and Omer,2016).

  3. Dear Ama, As you stated that training and development is vital important for an organization.Training is the process of providing employees with specific skills or helping them correct deficiencies in their performance and development is an effort to provide employees with the abilities the organization will need in future (Gomez et al, 2001).

  4. Amali, as you have mentioned above, the final purpose of every training and development program is to add value to human resource. Thus, organizations should make training and development of their employees as a sustainable and continuous activity. But there are major reasons why training fails in an organization.
     The top management is not given a clear understanding of the benefits of training.
     The top management barely rewards supervisors for carrying out effective training.
     Poor planning and budgeting for training by the top management.
     The middle management, without proper incentives from top management, does not account for training in production organization
     Training external to the employing unit sometimes teaches techniques on method contrary to practice of the participants scheduling.
     Trainers provide limited counseling and consulting services to the rest of the organization.
    (Burak, Elmer and Smith Robert, 1977; Chris 2011)

  5. In Bramley’s (2003) words, training involves learning and educating employee to do something to result in things being done differently. He explains that training is a process that is planned to facilitate learning so that people can become more effective in carrying out aspects of their work. According to the CIPD, Training is expected to equip employees to help them become ‘strategically unique, in addition to the provision of skills, knowledge and attitudes needed to achieve operational efficiency. ‘Training is a planned process to modify attitude, knowledge or skill behavior through learning experience to achieve effective performance’ (Wilson, 2006). ‘Employee Development is a process for preparing employees for future job responsibilities. This may include formal and informal training, education, mentoring, coaching’ (Armstrong, 2008).
