Sunday, 3 November 2019

On the job training Vs Off the job training method

On the job training

On the job training helps employees to get the knowledge of their job in a better way Coaching – One to one training based of exiting experiences (Deming, 1982). People learn from their practical experience much better as compare to bookish knowledge. On the job training reduces cost and saves time (Flynn et. al., 1995; Kaynak, 2003; Heras, 2006).


Types of On the job trainings;

  • Mentoring – Use to develop attitude, mostly used in manager level employees
  • Job Rotation – Employees get the training of different departments by rotating their jobs
  • Job Instruction Technology – Step by step structured training method
  • Apprenticeship –use to train younger generation specially when they pass out from universities and this take longer period

Off the job training

  • Lectures and Conferences – This refers to verbal presentations where the lectures have to be motivating in order to create interest among the trainees and retain their attention.
  • Vestibule Training – This method creates a working condition similar to the actual workplace conditions.
  • Simulation Exercises - Basic four exercises in any artificial environment exactly similar to actual situation.
  • Sensitivity Training - Create an ability of an individual to sense what others feel and think from their own point of view.
  • Transactional Training - Analyze the motivation reaction relationship between two persons to understand the behavior.

After having the theoretical understanding let us have a practical session of the same details for an better understanding;

Title : Difference of On the job training and Off the job training


                                                                                      Sources: Bizconsesh (2018)



Deming, W E (1982) Quality, Productivity and Competitive Position, MIT Center for Advanced Engineering, Cambridge, MA.


Flynn, B B, Schroeder, R G, Sakakibara, S. (1995) The impact of quality management practices on performance and competitive advantage. Decision Sciences, 26, pp.659-91 (http://

/YouTube accessed on 03rd November 112019).


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