Sunday, 3 November 2019

Training and Development matters a lot

As per the studies Training and development is an opportunity given to the employees by expecting a continuous development throughout their work scope. Also a well trained workforce is an asset to an organization. However Employee development with training will lead to accomplish the company vison mission and goals. Training comprises of a systematic method for transferring technical and management skills to the employees. The training process is comprise of several steps. The first is need analysis, the second step it will be the designing of the training program content, after the second step then comes the Validation step, Fourth step is to implement the program and finally management asses the program success or the failure. Employee development fall into four broad categories: formal education, assessment, job experiences, and interpersonal relationships. Many organizations combine these approaches. In training and development there are main two methods as On the job training and Off the job training and most of the companies practice the on the job training methods since its provides more opportunity to the employees to get to know about the company’s working patterns.

In learning organizations, training has been linked to both corporate strategy and organizational performance in order to get the high performances training must be aligned to organizational strategy. Finally the following vide will clearly depicts the importance of training and development in a pictorial way. It will provide more help to understand the importance.

Title: Why Training and Development Matters


                                                                 Source: Expand Learning Solutions (2017)

Reference (Accessed on 3rd November 2019)                             

Impact of Training and development

In case of learning organizations, training has been linked to both corporate strategy and organizational performance: training must be aligned to organizational strategy in order to result in high performance (Delery & Doty 1996). The strategic formalization of training facilitates organizations to analyze and carry out effective internal and external scanning of their work environments (Lyles, 1993).

Figure 1: Effectiveness of training and development

 (Source: Niazi, 2011)


According to Stone (2002) training has the distinct role in the achievement of an organizational goal by incorporating the interests of organization and the workforce. Now a days training is one of the most important factor in the business world because training increases the efficiency and the effectiveness of both employees and the organization, as illustrated in figure 2.0. The employee performance depends on various factors. But the most important factor of employee performance is training. Training is important to enhance the capabilities of employees(Khan, Khan & Khan 2011).


Benefits from Training and Development  (Ganesh & Indradevi, 2015; Taylor et. al., 2004).

  • Increased job satisfaction and morale among employees
  • Increased employee motivation
  • Increased efficiencies in processes, resulting in financial gain
  • Increased capacity to adopt new technologies and methods
  • Increased innovation in strategies and products
  • Reduced employee turnover
  • Enhanced company image
  • Risk management


Delery, J.E., and Doty, H.D. (1996) Modes of Theorizing in Strategic Human Resource Management: Types of Universalistic, Contingency, and Configurational Performance Predictions. Academy of Management Journal,  39 (4), pp. 802–835.


Ganesh,M and Indradevi R.(2015), Importance and Effectiveness of Training and Development, Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, [online]<> [Accessed on 15th October 2018].


Lyles, M., Baird, I., Orris, B., and Kuratko, D. (1993) Formalized Planning in Small Business Increasing Strategic Choices. Journal of Small Business Management, 31 (2), pp.38–48. [online]

<> [Accessed on 15th October 2018].

Niazi, A, S. (2011) Training and Development Strategy and Its Role in Organizational Performance, Journal of Public Administration and Governance, 1 (2) [online] <> [Accessed on 15th October 2018].


Stone, R J (2002) Human Resource Management, John Wiley & Sons, New Delhi

Khanα, R A G, Khan, F A, Khan, M A. (2011) Impact of Training and Development on Organizational Performance. Global Journal of Management and Business Research, XI (VII ), p. 63 [online]<> [Accessed on 15th October 2018].